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Vortex Venom

Vortex Venom

Regular price $124.95
Regular price Sale price $124.95
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Included with order: 

  • Turret instructions
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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Randy Bergh
Custom turret

Works great. Glad I found an aftermarket option makes shooting long distance a breeze.

Gregory Kless
Custom turret

Turret is spot on like they always are. I do about 60 to 80 guns a year out to 600yds for customers. Order all custom turrets through Kenton Industries.

Manuel Martinez
Very good

Very good

Mike Loggins
Turret for Vortex Venom

Installed a new custom turret on my 7mm-08 with Vortex Venom Scope. Dialed the riffle in with original scope. Installed the Vortex Venom scope and made some minor adjustments. Ordered the custom turret and it came in a couple of weeks later. Installed it on the scope and it was dead on, I made no more adjustments. Ready to go hunting.

Brandon Hoefs
Spot on

Put a custom turret on my vortex for my 7prc. Its spot on. Didnt have to change anything. On out to 1075. Scope maxxes out at 1500 cant wait to try it there so far really good. Highly recommend