
How Do Rifle Scope Turrets Work?

How Do Rifle Scope Turrets Work?

It's no secret that a rifle scope has click adjustment turrets needed for accurate shooting. When a shooter sits behind his rifle and shoots past his zero distance, he has...

How Do Rifle Scope Turrets Work?

It's no secret that a rifle scope has click adjustment turrets needed for accurate shooting. When a shooter sits behind his rifle and shoots past his zero distance, he has...

Vortex HD LHT

Vortex HD LHT

Vortex has proven they are an industry leader in optics. One of the companies with the most growth in last few years, they continue to offer the best products and...

Vortex HD LHT

Vortex has proven they are an industry leader in optics. One of the companies with the most growth in last few years, they continue to offer the best products and...

GPO Riflescopes

GPO Riflescopes

Kenton Industries is now selling the competitive German Precision Optics (GPO) rifle scope line. GPO's high quality glass is hard to beat for the the fantastic price point. Whether you...

GPO Riflescopes

Kenton Industries is now selling the competitive German Precision Optics (GPO) rifle scope line. GPO's high quality glass is hard to beat for the the fantastic price point. Whether you...

Steiner Predator 4

Steiner Predator 4

July 15, 2022: Introducing brand NEW custom turrets for Steiner Predator 4 riflescopes. Get yours today for free through Steiner's promotion with your existing or new Predator 4 scope purchase!...

Steiner Predator 4

July 15, 2022: Introducing brand NEW custom turrets for Steiner Predator 4 riflescopes. Get yours today for free through Steiner's promotion with your existing or new Predator 4 scope purchase!...