Benefits of Using a Custom Turret

Benefits of Using a Custom Turret


When you're out in the field, precision isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity. Transforming your rifle into a finely-tuned instrument that aligns perfectly with your shooting needs can be challenging, but for this reason, custom turrets are more than an accessory; they’re a game-changer. These laser-engraved, personalized dials replace your standard elevation turret, exactly matching your rifle’s unique characteristics and ammunition. The result? Seamless, accurate shots every time you pull the trigger. Here’s more on how this upgrade can redefine your long-range shooting experience.


What Is a Custom Turret?

A custom turret is a specialized component designed to enhance the accuracy of your rifle by replacing the factory elevation turret on your riflescope. Unlike standard turrets that offer generic adjustments, custom turrets are tailored specifically to your rifle’s unique setup.

Here's how it works:

  • Tailored to Your Rifle: You provide Kenton Industries with detailed information about your rifle, including its data, scope specifications, and the type of ammunition you use.
  • Precision Engineering: Using this information, Kenton Industries creates a laser-engraved bullet drop compensator that aligns precisely with your bullet's trajectory.
  • Simple Adjustments: The custom turret features yardage markings at 50-yard intervals (or smaller increments for certain calibers), allowing you to easily adjust for distance.

This personalized approach ensures that each shot is more accurate, transforming your rifle into a highly precise shooting tool.

Benefits of Using a Custom Turret

1. Precision and Accuracy

Custom turrets significantly enhance shooting precision by tailoring the adjustment mechanism to match your rifle's exact needs. Unlike standard turrets, which use generic settings, a custom turret is specifically designed based on your rifle’s data, scope details, and ammunition type. This personalized approach means that the turret's markings correspond precisely to your bullet’s trajectory, eliminating the need for guesswork.

With a custom turret, you can make exact adjustments for distance with confidence. The turret’s settings ensure that each shot is aligned perfectly with your rifle’s performance, improving accuracy and consistency. This custom fit allows you to make more precise shots, even at longer distances, making your rifle a more reliable tool for any shooting scenario.


2. Simplified Field Adjustments

Custom turrets streamline the process of adjusting for distance, making it easier to get accurate shots while you’re in the field. With a custom turret, you simply need to range your target and turn the dial to the corresponding yardage marked on the turret. This eliminates the need for complex calculations or adjustments that can slow you down during a hunt or shooting session.

The custom turret’s precise markings are tailored to your rifle’s specs, ensuring that each adjustment is accurate and reliable. This straightforward approach to adjusting for distance means you can focus more on the shot and less on making quick, accurate adjustments. Whether you’re dealing with varying distances or changing elevations, a custom turret simplifies the adjustment process, allowing for faster, more accurate shooting with minimal effort.


3. Enhanced Performance Across Different Conditions

Custom turrets excel in maintaining accuracy across various shooting conditions, providing the consistent performance that factory turrets often can’t replicate. By aligning the turret with your rifle's unique trajectory, it compensates for changes in distance, elevation, and environmental factors.

It accounts for factors like temperature and bullet drop, making it easier to adjust to shifting conditions without sacrificing precision. With a custom turret, you gain a tool that adapts seamlessly to your shooting environment, ensuring that every shot remains true, regardless of the challenges you face.


4. Increased Confidence and Control

A custom turret boosts your confidence by providing a precise and reliable tool tailored to your shooting needs. Knowing that your turret is specifically designed to match your rifle’s performance allows you to focus on your target rather than worrying about adjustments or calculations.

This confidence translates into better control over your shots, as you can trust that the turret’s markings are accurate and dependable. With a custom turret, you’re equipped to handle various shooting scenarios with ease. The precision and simplicity of a custom turret give you the assurance that each shot is well-calibrated, enhancing your overall shooting experience and effectiveness.


Upgrade Your Rifle with Kenton Industries

Upgrading to a custom turret is more than just an enhancement—it's a transformation in your shooting experience. By getting a turret that matches your rifle specs, you gain unparalleled precision, simplified field adjustments, and a boost in your confidence with every shot. This custom approach ensures that your rifle performs at its best across various conditions, providing the accuracy and reliability you need for successful hunts and shooting sessions.

Ready to step up your shooting performance? Contact Kenton Industries today to explore how a custom turret can improve your rifle’s accuracy. Experience the difference of personalized accuracy and turn your rifle into a precision instrument. Don’t settle for standard; choose custom and shoot with confidence.

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